I have always believed and continue to believe that strategy is perceived as an overly analytical tool. While I do not share many of Henry Mintzberg's views, I agree with him that strategy is an act of creativity. And since strategy is made by people – emotional beings by nature – they bring these emotions into the strategy. Thank you for the article!

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Thanks Svyatoslav. Thinking about the organisational strategic planning processes that I've had the privilege to have been involved with, the style and tone with which people approach this, and how these evolve, has been different in each organisation (reflecting perhaps a combination of what was driving that organisation's need for a strategic plan at that time and the individual views about strategic planning of those leading the process). This demonstrates to me a) every organisation's strategy journey is unique: its situation at that time, what it needs / chooses to address, and how it goes about this; and b) it's all about people - and effective strategic planning is as much about how they work together through that process as it is about what strategy and plan they develop as a result.

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May 24Liked by David Booth

I couldn't agree more. Sorry I missed the discussion.

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